I have more than 30 years of social service in private and public sectors, and my years long administrative and policy development and implementation along with budgeting experience would allow me to be a valuable and knowledgeable member of the Board of Trustees.

I grew up in Idaho and have lived in the north of Star area for over 28 years. For the last 8 years I have been volunteering at the Central District Health Department, serving as a weekly volunteer instructor for the Fit and Fall Prevention Program. Previously, I have I served in administrative positions with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare for 10 years, was a Board member and board vice-president for The Women’s Club for 2+ yeas in 1982-1984, and have provided kitten foster care and subsequent adoptive placements selection for 3 litters through the Happy Jack Cats non-profit organization. My love for this community is very strong.